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Ketamine is a safe FDA-approved drug that has been used in surgery for many years. In recent years, Ketamine has received much attention as a safe and effective treatment for: (click on the links for more information)
Ketamine therapy can provide effective and long lasting relief from the debilitating symptoms of conditions including those listed above.
Ketamine is not a substitute or replacement for qualified mental health therapies. It works best in conjunction with counseling and behavior modification therapies.
Ketamine is a fast, effective treatment for depression, anxiety, migraines, post-acute withdrawals as well as chronic regional pain syndrome.
Evidence-based research has developed protocols that have been successful in treating these disorders. Ketamine therapy works best when administered as an IV infusion.
If you have a known allergy to ketamine, uncontrolled hypertension (high blood pressure), or schizophrenia, ketamine therapy is not for you.
For this therapy to work for mental health, the patient must have an attitude of desire to feel better. The only patients we have seen not respond positively to this treatment are patients that were not fully commited to feeling better.
In order to be in compliance with regulations, a qualifying diagnosis (mental health and/or chronic pain) is required for ketamine therapy. We must be able to confirm that diagnosis though contact with your diagnosing physician. We do not diagnose patients in our office.
In order for your therapy to be successful we have taken extra steps to create a therapeutic and safe environment for your infusions.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you have transportation arranged. You will not be able to drive for several hours after your infusion. Make sure to arrange for transportation to and from our office.
You will receive your infusion in one of our very comfortable rooms. We take great care to make this experience therapeutic from beginning to end.
We encourage you to bring some soothing and uplifting music to listen to during your infusion. A good set of earbuds can make a big difference in your overall experience. Our rooms are equipped with headphones, however earbuds tend to be more comfortable and using your own is always best.
Infusions are given in a comfortable reclining chair. Once you are all hooked up to the infusion pump and vitals monitor, we will dim the lights and give you time to enjoy the treatment experience. We will be checking in on you throughout your treatment, but we will take great care not to disturb you.
For loved ones staying in the room with you. This experience is very personal, and it is imperative that this time be calm and quiet. We recommend that loved ones not engage in conversation with patients while under ketamine. This will pull them out of their psychedelic experience. It is, however, ok to hold a hand, and offer reassurance that the patient is safe and loved when necessary.
As with any medication, side effects are possible. If you experience any unusual sensations or feelings after an infusion, please contact us. It is very important to complete the infusion protocol before making any judgments about how well it is working for you.
For many, ketamine can be very helpful in breaking the craving for alcohol, cigarettes, and/or narcotics. This protocol often only requires a single IV ketamine treatment lasting about an hour. T In cases where there are such underlying mental health issues, we recommend the Mental Health Protocol.
The accepted protocol for treating mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other trauma related issues is 6 IV Infusions over the course of 2-3 weeks. Each infusion lasts about an hour with a total time of 2 hours in our office. The infusions are spaced out every couple of days. It is important to complete this protocol within the time specified in order to attain the maximum benefit. Some patients may require booster infusions post completion.
*Per Infusion Price $450
6 Infusion Protocol is $2500 (When paid in-full by the second appointment)
The protocol for chronic pain is more intensive. This protocol requires 5 infusions (completed within 2 weeks) that last approximately 3 hours. This protocol calls for a higher dose of ketamine, and it requires about 1 hour of recovery after the infusion. Often, patients may require a booster infusion every 6-8 weeks.
Chronic Pain Protocol is $4000 (When paid in-full at first appointment)
*Per Infusion Price is $850
Ketamine therapy can be very beneficial for treating the conditions we mentioned. Following the recommended protocols is the best way to achieve maximum benefit. We encourage you to complete the entire protocol by offering a discount for paying upfront for your entire protocol. If you are unable to complete your protocol, you will be charged the per infusion price for the infusions that you complete plus any processing fees. The remaining balance will be refunded to you. You also have the option of donating your remaining infusions to our First Responder Fund.
We believe in ketamine and other psychedelic medicine's ability to transform lives for the better. That said, it is not a magic cure. The long-term success of this therapy, as with many, starts with the patient's the desire to heal. While the medicine will make a person feel better, the real work comes with building new nuero-transmitters and that requires work on the patient's part. We recommend counselling, and lifestyle disciplines that are in alignment with mental wellness. What a patient does for the weeks during and following the initial therapy will impact the new neural connections that are forming. Setting up a plan for success is important and will enhance the success of the therapy. This is how to acheive the best long-term results and reduce the need for frequent boosters.
It is our sincere belief that ketamine did not kill Matthew Perry. We hesitate to blame any substance but the irresponsible use of it. Ketamine, when given in a controlled environment, by trained anesthesia professionals, is very safe. So safe that is it used for children and animals during surgery. Mr Perry was killed by his addictions and the people who supported them. It is a disservice to all of those who have been helped tremendously by this therapy to blame one drug when there were several different drugs in his system at the time of his death. It wasn't just the one medicine that killed him. He died from the combination of drugs and the choice to get into a hot tub and fall unconscious. It was the fact that these medications were not administered in a controlled setting, under the direct supervision of a trained anesthesia provider. It was irresponsibility and addiction that killed Mr. Perry, not ketamine.
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Please be advised that our office will be closed from April 16-23rd 2025 in order to give our staff some much needed R & R. As a result, we will not be able to start any New Ketamine protocols for new patients from March 27- April 24.